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Bonde Fine Wine's New Autumn Winter Collection Collaboration with Wine Bunnies

August 25, 2023


This new collection is the impromptu result of a friendship of two creatives who share a love of art, wine, and animals.

We probably crossed paths a hundred times at wine tastings and other events, and yet we never took the time to get to know each other or discuss our mutual passions. A graphic designer by trade, Carole King has always been passionate about wine, and so eight years ago she swapped her designer apron for that of wine director for a wine and liquor shop in Cambridge. Despite the change in career, she never let go of her drafting pencil and her love of animals. The result: the birth of an extraordinary collection of clothing and accessories that feature wine and animals called "The bestiaries vinum pro-omnibus" AKA "Wine Bunnies".

Two years ago, our road finally crossed at the door of the shop, and it did not take more than an hour for us to become friends forever. I already admired her work and the freshness of her pencil. Then…


In my house there have always been pets, so it is normal that my two dogs, Dazzle (13 years old) and his little brother Leon (6 years old) are also present in the life of my business. During the pandemic, they were my two best advisors to help me establish my business plan and the details of the Bonde concept. It is for this reason that they were very early the main members of my "Advisory Board". It is also for this reason that the famous leather red chair "Club", exists in the shop. If you come by the shop in the morning, you can meet them (in their chair) at the shop before our long working hours. These two are inseparable, and yet are so different from each other. Dazzle is discreet, always a glass of white wine in hand. As for Leon, he is the fiery, noisy, and outgoing one, so naturally a full-bodied red wine is his thing. But whatever their differences, they are "Bonde Forever". 


We already have two images as part of our shop brand: there is the Zero-Two-Wine-Three-Eight logo of the monthly newsletter by the same name, and then there is the shop name Bonde Fine Wine, where the shape of the “n” is in the shape of an actual barrel bonde (which we sell at the shop). But, we still wanted to offer you a new image of the shop that would capture another side of the business. 

It is therefore the result of a collaboration between Wine Bunnies and Bonde that this new design was born. The complete image is of the two together with “Bonde Forever” underneath, but you can also find them individually on t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags, caps, and beanies.

The collection will be available mid-September online (through Printful, they're awesome). But also, the collection will be available in the shop. 

So with this new collection, you can forever express yourself with your seven senses by remaining "Bonde Forever".