Dominio IV, No 36 "Riddle Me This" Sparkling Pinot Noir 2021, The Imagination Series, Willamette Valley, OR
This vibrant Champagne-style sparkling of 100% Pinot Noir has notes of strawberry, black plum, raspberries, with a fresh and spicy palate.
APPELLATION: Willamette Valley
SUBREGION: Yamhill-Carlton
VINEYARD(S): Shallow-blue-sea
GRAPES: 100% Pinot Noir
PRACTICE: Biodynamic
SOIL: Marine sedimentary silt-loam (Wellsdale, Bellpine, and Gooden series)
METHOD: Traditional method (Champagne method)
STYLE: Sparkling
COLOR: Pale rose pink
BODY: Medium bodied
BUBBLES: Soft and fine
TASTE: Dry (Brut)
PRIMARY AROMAS: Red cherries, black plum, raspberries
FLAVOR: Super spicy, starts with fruit, ends with acid
FORMAT: 750 ml
ABOUT THE PRODUCERS: Patrick Reuter & Leigh Bartholomew
“In 2002 Patrick started Dominio IV wines. Leigh was skeptical but filled with the elixir of youth and agreed to the naïve affair of the winery and vineyard. After hopping fences for several years with shovel in hand to see if the soil were excellent “grape land”, Patrick found Three Sleeps Vineyard on a 3x5 note card at the corner store and soon planted Leigh’s parents, Liz and Glenn Bartholomew, at the vineyard in Mosier, Oregon. In 2016, with the partnership of family friend Scott Burg, Patrick embarked on a great journey in Carlton, Oregon on “the Farm”. Supported by the help of Leigh in the vineyard, long-time Associate Winemaker Ryan Kelly-Burnett in the cellar, and a wonderful team in the tasting room, Patrick is blessed. Enjoying the people and culture of wine has made for a rewarding 25 plus vintages for Patrick focusing on terroir expressing wines and unique small lots. In his free time, Patrick coaches and plays soccer, hikes, skis, paints, gardens and hangs out with his wife, Leigh and two boys, Finigan and Quincy.”
“After gleaning hands-on vineyard experience in both Washington State and Chile, Leigh studied viticulture at the University of California at Davis. Master’s degree in hand, she then traveled the world, working harvests in California, Burgundy, and New Zealand. Returning to the West Coast in 2000, Leigh became the vineyard manager for Archery Summit. Leigh now works on many Willamette Valley vineyards producing wonderful grapes for many wineries. In 2002, she and Patrick began the Dominio IV winery.” (dominiowines.com)
ABOUT THE VINEYARD: Shallow-blue-sea
“These vineyard soils were formed under shallow seas, eons ago (20-40 mya), then slowly uplifted out of the water to form low hills. After many millions of years, the Kalapuya tribe found these hills making them their home. In 1843, Abijah and Mary Jane Hendricks arrived on the first wagon train and sectioned off this land for one of Oregon’s first farms. Now the beautifully tiger-striped soils of the Wellsdale, Bellpine, and Gooden series generously offer our hazelnuts, cherries, and grapevines water in the driest of times. The fruits of these hills are of spectacular character and reflect the caring hands of many generations.” (dominiowines.com)
ABOUT THE LABEL: The Imagination Series introduces “shape tasting” as a method of visually presenting the character of an individual wine. The image on the label, painted by the winemaker Patrick Reuter illustrates the wine in the bottle. Taste the wine and follow the painting as the flavors unfold in time, and across your tongue.